Bowl of Mush

Updated 2/2014

First and foremost, I LOVE to cook! When I got married, I didn’t know how to cook anything but chocolate chip cookies. I learned along the way and everyone always raves over my cooking so I must be doing something right 🙂 This blog will just be about regular day to day cooking. If you are looking for gourmet, you won’t find it here. If you are looking for pretentious food, you won’t find it here. What you will find is a foodie that loves to cook and the recipes that I make every day for my family.

Few of these recipes on my blog are original. If I have the source, I state it. I am not claiming that any of these are mine when they are not. With that out of the way…

My DH is retired military so we have moved a bit and I learned to cook whatever, wherever. We have two adult kids who still come for my cooking.

I also collect cookbooks and at last count have somewhere around 1500. I don’t count them anymore, LOL.

I hope you will enjoy the recipes I post ~ I have TONS of them, LOL! I will also be posting menus of parties and events we host ~ with the recipes or links to the recipes.

This is a positive blog ~ any nasty comments will be deleted.

Please let me know what you think ~ my email is CreamedCabbage at yahoo dot com.

52 thoughts on “Bowl of Mush

  1. Hi! I wanted to make some fresh strawberry muffins for breakfast this morning to use up some strawberries I picked yesterday. I chose to use your recipe and wanted to say that the muffins are wonderful. Thanks for sharing the recipe! Also, your blog is very nice! I would like to post a pic of my muffins on my own blog and link my readers to your recipe. I just wanted to aks your permission before doing so… pretty please? ♥

    • When I am having a giveawy, I will make a new post announcing it and any rules involved. Right now I don’t have any going on but I am expecting a couple in the near future 🙂 I hope you will sign up at that time!

  2. I forwarded your web-site to a friend. She said she could eat one of your pictures “right now.” I said, “a picture used to be worth a thousand words, but on this web-site, it’s worth zero calories!” I look forward to trying your recipes. Thanks in advance!!!!

  3. I stumbled on this blog whilst looking for a recipe for strawberry muffins and after having gone through the rest of the blog, I am really glad I have found it.

    This is a magnificent gem with so much variety and I love the fact that everything is fairly simple to make. I have gotten wonderful complements from the few recipes I have tried off of here. Really love all the recipes and keep up the great work.

    PS You have a kitchen to die for!

  4. OK, I now have kitchen envy! No wonder you like to spend time in there 🙂 I found your blog through another one I read, yours will be added to my list of subscriptions! I, too, love to cook and bake and I collect cookbooks. Food Network and Canadian Living Magazine are things we should never be without 🙂

  5. Your kitchen is MY dream kitchen! Beautiful!!
    I have hundreds of cookbooks myself, and have a tough time storing them. I am wondering if you could share how you store 1200 cookbooks! Thank you!

  6. Your kitchen is beautiful. It looks like something out of a design magazine and it is sooooo clean. Please tell me it sometimes gets messed up and that you don’t do all your dishes after every meal ! And that you actually have stuff on your counters.
    I feel so messy and out of control after seeing yours.

    • Those pictures were taken right after it was finished and the company that did it was coming out to take pictures of it. It rarely looks like that, LOL! In fact, it’s pretty messy right now 🙂

  7. WOW. Am so jealous of all the shiny appliances and surfaces. My oven is almost 11 years old and is making funny whirring noise on start up and sometimes no sound at all. Like my computer I turn it off and on again and miraculously it comes to life. One of these days however that’s not going to happen so I would be interested to hear what make your oven is i.e. manfuacturer and how you rate it?

    • It’s a GE Profile and I love it! I’ve used for about 3 years now and havent had a single problem with it. The top is a convection and regular oven and the bottom is a regular oven. The only negative is the timer ~ the timer works perfectly but the sound it makes when the time is up I can barely hear. Of course, that may be more my problem than the oven’s problem, LOL! I would highly recommend the oven!

  8. I’d like to personally invite you to join the CookEatShare Author network. CookEatShare has had over 2.5 million unique visitors in 2009, and I think they will be interested in your content. Users will be guided to your actual blog, so this is a free way to increase page views and visitors to your site.

    Please contact me at for more information, to get unique link to claim and customize your profile. Please visit for additional information.

  9. Nancy, I love your kitchen! I remodeled mine over 8 years ago with granite and finally all stainless steal appliances. I made my husband pipe in gas so I could have a gas stove and spend a majority of my time in the kitchen too. We put up the new cabinets ourselves and it does look like a professional job. The granite is wonderful for rolling out doughs, it has held up so nicely.

    Your roll recipe is absolutely the best I have ever had. I’m just now getting into baking with the bread machine and producing wonderful loaves of bread, cinnamon rolls, etc. BTW if anybody wants that recipe, it is better than Cinnabons 🙂

  10. Hi Nancy, Your blog is wonderful. I have added you to my “blogs of note” at, but I have you in an ‘unknown location’ category. (I have them arranged geographically). If you would like to be moved to your appropriate geographical location (by state or country outside of US), please contact me to let me know! Thanks 🙂

  11. How neat! You really have great taste!!! I had my kitchen remodeled last year and you and I have the same granite countertops. But, I have Italian Creme-colored cabinets and chocolate brown walls. My oven is also a convection and so is my microwave. Isn’t it wonderful to have plenty of room to cook. I love to cook also, but I have a problem with having to wait on special holidays for something to come out of the oven in order to get something else in. Now I can do regular baking and convection at the same time. And, isn’t the hardwood wonderful!!!!!!!

  12. hi nancy! omg, i can sleep in your kitchen. i just had mine renovated recently, too, but it doesn’t come close to yours – especially when we’re comparing size! luckily my husband helps around the kitchen, too, and also wants to entertain while in the kitchen. i think every wife who loves to cook should be rewarded with their dream kuchen. long live the foodies!!!

  13. Hi!

    I wanted to say how thankful I am for your reviews of my recipes on recipezaar (chef # 880681)! I feel honored that you enjoy my recipes! I love your site! Great recipes! love the personal touch! Keep it up!

  14. Ciao ! what a kitchen ! I’ve just joined twd and yours is the first blog I visit to get an idea of hoe to write about our bakes. my bnana cake is still in the oven but smells delicious ! ciao !

  15. We are a very very small company Country Bobs INc. and we make a Great Sauce ” Country Bobs All Purpose Sauce”. Some told me that I should contact bloggers to see if they would try Country Bobs and blog about it. Please email me your name and address and I would like to send you two bottles with a recipe brochure to try and blog. Thanks for your time and consideration and any advice you can give me! Al Malekovic

  16. OMG! Your kitchen is to die for. It’s beautiful. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star…the first star I see tonight I’m going to wish for a kitchen just like yours. Thanks for visiting my blog Nanacy AND for the award nomination. You’re a love. (I love your site)

  17. Hey Nancy, thanks for coming over to my blog today. It seems like you and I have a ton in common. I look forward to sharing some recipes, stories and some blog readers. Have a great one. I wish I had you kitchen, even though I own a restaurant, I still have a single oven in my kitchen. hahah


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